Which seafood has the most calcium?

The main source of calcium in fish comes from the bones. Canned fish with bones, like sardines, anchovies and salmon, will have the most calcium. Shellfish is also a fair source of calcium.

Which seafood has the most calcium?
  Food Name Calcium (mg) Serving
sardine sardine 382 100 g
anchovy anchovy 232 100 g
octopus octopus 106 100 g
clam clam 92 100 g
shrimp shrimp 91 100 g
crab crab 91 100 g
lobster lobster 63 100 g
trout trout 55 100 g
snapper snapper 40 100 g
whitefish whitefish 33 100 g
squid squid 32 100 g
crayfish crayfish 27 100 g
eel eel 26 100 g
flounder flounder 25 100 g
grouper grouper 21 100 g
oyster oyster 16 100 g
mackerel mackerel 15 100 g
salmon salmon 15 100 g
canned tuna canned tuna 14 100 g
haddock haddock 14 100 g
cod cod 14 100 g
tilapia tilapia 14 100 g
bass bass 13 100 g
scallop scallop 10 100 g
halibut halibut 9 100 g
catfish catfish 9 100 g
tuna tuna 4 100 g
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