Consumer Tools

Track Mobile App

Developed by a team of registered dietitians, Track by Nutritionix uses state-of-the-art natural language technology to make it quick and easy to track what you eat. Just speak or type freely into the app, and Track takes care of the rest!

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Calculate Daily Calories

Learn how many estimated calories you should consume each day to maintain or lose weight.

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Search Engine

Look up the nutrition information for virtually any food. Our database contains 500K+ foods, with new foods being added every day.

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Nutrition Calculators

Calculate your nutrition from your favorite restaurants using our pre-built calculators

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Popular Foods beta

We analyze millions of barcode scans every month to see what health-conscious consumers are eating. Explore which foods are the most popular within our curated food categories.

Check it out!

Food Lists

Browse curated lists of foods created by our registered dietitian team

View Food Lists

Looking for help managing nutrition data for your business? Check out our business solutions.
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