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Sort by Calories Sort by Total Fat (grams)Sort by Saturated Fat (grams)Sort by Trans Fat (grams)Sort by Cholesterol (milligrams)Sort by Sodium (milligrams)Sort by Total Carbohydrates (grams)Sort by Dietary Fiber (grams)Sort by Total Sugars (grams)Sort by Added Sugars (grams)Sort by Protein (grams)


Apple Cider Donut[more info]28015701032035118173
Apple Fritter[more info]64026130062096347449
Banana Nut Muffin[more info]58030609054069139357
Blueberry Muffin[more info]56028608550070237356
Boston Creme Donut[more info]3101360032044020194
Cherry Cheese Danish[more info]350211306030035013115
Chocolate Chip Cookie[more info]410181005538062038385
Chocolate Chip Muffin[more info]57031808551068241406
Chocolate Chunk Brownie[more info]5002170026073047475
Chocolate Frosted Donut w/ Sprinkles[more info]2701270031037119184
Cinnamon Bun[more info]62024802070091244010
Cinnamon Twist[more info]3401680<543044112116
Coffee Roll[more info]540261301057068025249
Croissant[more info]200105025220231405
Glazed Donut[more info]2601160031035016164
Glazed Old Fashioned Cake Donut[more info]350115005205813505
Glazed Twist[more info]39016801051056128277
Old Fashioned Donut[more info]3301880204303821306
Pumpkin Donut[more info]30014701030041024233
Pumpkin Spice Muffin[more info]650369010557074145437
Rainbow Cookie[more info]37013805524061035354
Snickerdoodle Cookie[more info]43017100803106203306
Soft Pretzel[more info]3303.51.5008306502012
Soft Pretzel 2-Pack[more info]66073001,66013004024
Strawberry Donut[more info]320167003604011204
Sweet Cheese Croissant[more info]3802213070410381758
Vanilla Frosted Sprinkle Donut[more info]2701060031040117154

Bakery - Florida

Apple Fritter-FL[more info]4101660046061324247
Banana Nut Muffin-FL[more info]60031609556071040367
Blueberry Muffin-FL[more info]59030709057076147476
Boston Cream Donut-FL[more info]3101200037048120205
Chocolate Chip Cookie-FL[more info]410171005018062036366
Chocolate Chip Muffin-FL[more info]640351009049080351518
Chocolate Frosted Sprinkle Donut-FL[more info]270114.5002804011664
Cinnamon Sugar Twist-FL[more info]3401450050047210107
Coffee Cake Muffin-FL[more info]660361001006008225307
Coffee Roll-FL[more info]4201550056066321218
Croissant-FL[more info]200105025210242444
Glazed Bow Tie - FL[more info]4601770046069025258
Glazed Old Fashioned Blueberry Donut - FL[more info]39017702042055031304
Glazed Old Fashioned Cake Donut-FL[more info]31011401035052130304
Rainbow Cookie-FL[more info]450171006020069041416
Raspberry Cheese Danish - FL[more info]330104.51.5<52705303054
Snickerdoodle Cookie - FL[more info]43017100803106203306
Strawberry Cheese Croissant - FL[more info]38016100.54041049010810
Vanilla Iced Sprinkle Donut - FL[more info]270114.5002804001660

Brewed Coffee

Colombian Coffee 12 oz.[more info]00000500000
Colombian Coffee 16 oz.[more info]000001000000
Colombian Coffee 20 oz.[more info]500001000000
Colombian Coffee 24 oz.[more info]500001500000
Cuban Roast Coffee 16 oz.[more info]00000500000
Cuban Roast Coffee 20 oz.[more info]00000500000
Cuban Roast Coffee 24 oz.[more info]000001000000
Dark Roast Coffee 16 oz.[more info]00000500000
Dark Roast Coffee 20 oz.[more info]00000500000
Dark Roast Coffee 24 oz.[more info]000001000000
Decaffeinated Coffee 16 oz.[more info]00000500000
Decaffeinated Coffee 20 oz.[more info]00000500000
Decaffeinated Coffee 24 oz[more info]000001000000
French Vanilla Coffee 16 oz.[more info]00000500000
French Vanilla Coffee 20 oz[more info]00000500000
French Vanilla Coffee 24 0z.[more info]000001000000
Hazelnut Coffee 16 oz.[more info]00000500000
Hazelnut Coffee 20 oz[more info]00000500000
Hazelnut Coffee 24 oz.[more info]000001000000
Pumpkin Spice Coffee 16 oz.[more info]00000500000
Pumpkin Spice Coffee 20 oz.[more info]00000500000
Pumpkin Spice Coffee 24 oz[more info]000001000000
Regular Coffee 16 oz.[more info]00000500000
Regular Coffee 20 oz.[more info]00000500000
Regular Coffee 24 oz.[more info]000001000000

Beverages - Frozen Beverages - Cappuccinos & Chai Teas

16 oz - Caramel Chocolate Chip Frozen Cappuccino[more info]64031190.58526089276668
16 oz - Caramel Cookies & Cream Frozen Cappuccino[more info]650281618535094075668
16 oz - Caramel Double Shot Frozen Cappuccino[more info]500231418027068058497
16 oz - Caramel Frozen Cappuccino[more info]63025160.59033094080697
16 oz - Chai Tea Frozen Latte[more info]26010603510541038333
16 oz - Chocolate Caramel Frozen Cappuccino[more info]58023140.58027087076667
16 oz - Chocolate Chocolate Chip Frozen Cappuccino[more info]61028180.57521088277689
16 oz - Chocolate Cookies and Cream Frozen Cappuccino[more info]58024140.57528086071628
16 oz - Double Shot Frozen Cappuccino[more info]37019120.57520042036277
16 oz - Mint Cookies and Cream Frozen Cappuccino[more info]58023130.57527085072637
16 oz - Mocha Double Shot Frozen Cappuccino[more info]47020130.57521067059507
16 oz - Mocha Frozen Cappuccino[more info]47020130.57521067059507
16 oz - Regular Frozen Cappuccino[more info]37019120.57520042036277
16 oz - Salted Caramel Frozen Cappuccino[more info]47019120.57531070063547
16 oz - Vanilla Chai Tea Frozen Latte[more info]33010603510558055503
16 oz - Vanilla Cookies & Cream Frozen Cappuccino[more info]49024140.57528063050418
24 oz - Caramel Chocolate Chip Frozen Cappuccino[more info]1,16055341145460164414012314
24 oz - Caramel Cookies & Cream Frozen Cappuccino[more info]1,14048271.5140620167013311814
24 oz - Caramel Double Shot Frozen Cappuccino[more info]82036221.51304301150988411
24 oz - Caramel Frozen Cappuccino[more info]1,01041261150520148012610811
24 oz - Chai Tea Frozen Latte[more info]40013805014068063574
24 oz - Chocolate Caramel Frozen Cappuccino[more info]90036231130430135011610111
24 oz - Chocolate Chocolate Chip Frozen Cappuccino[more info]1,10050311125360161414312716
24 oz - Chocolate Cookies and Cream Frozen Cappuccino[more info]1,04041241120500158013111514
24 oz - Double Shot Frozen Cappuccino[more info]55029181110300630544110
24 oz - Frozen Cappuccino[more info]61032201120330700604511
24 oz - Mint Cookies and Cream Frozen Cappuccino[more info]1,03040231120480157013311713
24 oz - Mocha Double Shot Frozen Cappuccino[more info]7503019111033011301018712
24 oz - Mocha Frozen Cappuccino[more info]8103321112035012001079113
24 oz - Salted Caramel Frozen Cappuccino[more info]7703220112050011201018611
24 oz - Vanilla Chai Tea Frozen Latte[more info]51013805014095091854
24 oz - Vanilla Cookies & Cream Frozen Cappuccino[more info]850402311204801100867113

Beverages - Frozen Beverages - Cream Smoothies

16 oz - Banana Cream[more info]6002616195260854693610
16 oz - Bananas Fosters[more info]8603220111539013741137810
16 oz - Caramel Cheesecake Smoothie[more info]74036211110500950695811
16 oz - Caramel Chocolate Chip Cream[more info]760372311103301032887510
16 oz - Caramel Cookies & Cream Crème Smoothie[more info]770342011104201080877510
16 oz - Caramel Cream[more info]75032201115390108092789
16 oz - Chocolate Banana Cream[more info]67026171952801043815410
16 oz - Chocolate Cookies and Cream Smoothie[more info]70030181953501000837110
16 oz - Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cream Smoothie - New[more info]57020130.5752209118108
16 oz - Chocolate Oreo Cheesecake Smoothie[more info]68033191100370880736210
16 oz - Mango Cream[more info]45013805015083076664
16 oz - Mint Cookies and Cream Smoothie[more info]6703017195340940796710
16 oz - Mint Cream[more info]590261619527081073619
16 oz - Original Cheesecake Smoothie[more info]66033191100440810594811
16 oz - Strawberry Banana Cream[more info]44013805015078071185
16 oz - Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie[more info]66033191100440810554411
16 oz - Strawberry Chocolate Chip Cream[more info]71028180.575220113294849
16 oz - Strawberry Cream Smoothie[more info]530127045130103077475
16 oz - Vanilla Cookies & Cream Crème Smoothie[more info]6103018195340770625010
24 oz - Banana Cream Smoothie[more info]8303220112033012881024513
24 oz - Bananas Foster Cream Smoothie[more info]9803824114046015141258712
24 oz - Caramel Cheesecake Smoothie[more info]1,20055321.515583016101129717
24 oz - Caramel Chocolate Chip Cream Smoothie[more info]1,28061391.5170520178415213216
24 oz - Caramel Cookies & Cream Crème Smoothie[more info]1,26055311.5165680181014512716
24 oz - Caramel Cream Smoothie[more info]99045281.516552013601169613
24 oz - Chocolate Banana Cream Smoothie[more info]9803321112035016661268114
24 oz - Chocolate Banana Yogurt Cream Smoothie[more info]9701.510<54022561725320
24 oz - Chocolate Cookies and Cream Smoothie[more info]1,35063382205710179014511822
24 oz - Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cream Smoothie - New[more info]83027171953101381122011
24 oz - Chocolate Oreo Cheesecake Smoothie[more info]1,06049281.5135560147012110615
24 oz - Mango Cream Smoothie[more info]68019120.5752201240114987
24 oz - Mint Chocolate Chip Cream Smoothie[more info]1,06046291.5145400153213812015
24 oz - Mint Cookies and Cream Smoothie[more info]1,10046271.5145540159013411515
24 oz - Mint Cream Smoothie[more info]88038241.514540012101109113
24 oz - Original Cheesecake Smoothie[more info]1,00048281.51357001270877216
24 oz - Strawberry Banana Cream Smoothie[more info]66019120.5752201170107277
24 oz - Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie[more info]1,02048281.51357001340866916
24 oz - Strawberry Chocolate Chip Cream Smoothie[more info]1,20050311125360185415914216
24 oz - Strawberry Cream Smoothie[more info]7401490.5551601510111597
24 oz - Vanilla Cookies & Cream Crème Smoothie[more info]97047271.51455401240988015

Beverages - Frozen Beverages - Fruit Smoothies

16 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Mango Smoothie[more info]35000002089085751
16 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Mango with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]26020003561055491
16 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Mango Yogurt Smoothie[more info]300000011073069583
16 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothie[more info]32000001577074621
16 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothie with Yogurt[more info]280000<515064060484
16 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]21030004045040342
16 oz - Lemon Freeze Smoothie[more info]49013805014092085775
16 oz - Mango Banana Smoothie[more info]5300000351384125951
16 oz - Mango Banana with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]3702.50005090076502
16 oz - Mango Banana with Yogurt Smoothie[more info]440000<5150109496645
16 oz - Mango Freeze Smoothie[more info]4506402585100094862
16 oz - Mango Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]2602.50005061055501
16 oz - Mango Smoothie[more info]4200000351090104950
16 oz - Mango with Yogurt Smoothie[more info]330000<515080075644
16 oz - Mixed Berry Banana Smoothie[more info]460000025117091621
16 oz - Mixed Berry Banana with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]37020003589066402
16 oz - Mixed Berry Banana Yogurt Smoothie[more info]4600000110112089574
16 oz - Mixed Berry Smoothie[more info]35000002588070620
16 oz - Mixed Berry Smoothie with Yogurt[more info]310000011073059503
16 oz - Mixed Berry with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]26020003560045401
16 oz - Strawberry Banana Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]3803.50006586058343
16 oz - Strawberry Banana Smoothie[more info]450000025115480541
16 oz - Strawberry Banana with Yogurt Smoothie[more info]430000<5150104478475
16 oz - Strawberry Freeze Smoothie[more info]440640258595076692
16 oz - Strawberry Mango Banana Smoothie[more info]5200000351330106781
16 oz - Strawberry Mango Banana with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]40020004597074492
16 oz - Strawberry Mango Banana Yogurt Smoothie[more info]49000001201240100703
16 oz - Strawberry Mango Smoothie[more info]410000035104085780
16 oz - Strawberry Mango with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]29020004568053491
16 oz - Strawberry Mango Yogurt Smoothie[more info]330000011581066582
16 oz - Strawberry Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]2502.50005055036341
16 oz - Strawberry Smoothie[more info]39000003598067620
16 oz - Strawberry with Yogurt Smoothie[more info]320000<515075057474
16 oz - Summer Berry Freeze Smoothie[more info]400740257584179703
24 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Mango Smoothie[more info]53000003013201251101
24 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Mango with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]37030005086078702
24 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Mango Yogurt Smoothie[more info]440000<5160105099834
24 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothie[more info]4700000201160110931
24 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothie with Yogurt[more info]400000<520092086696
24 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]31040005566059502
24 oz - Lemon Freeze Smoothie[more info]73019120.57521013711271167
24 oz - Mango Banana Smoothie[more info]64000004016641511191
24 oz - Mango Banana Smoothie with Yogurt[more info]580000<52101454129946
24 oz - Mango Banana with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]4903.5000701190102753
24 oz - Mango Freeze Smoothie[more info]68010603513015101411294
24 oz - Mango Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]3803.50007090081752
24 oz - Mango Smoothie[more info]63000004516401551430
24 oz - Mango Smoothie with Yogurt[more info]580000<522014301341175
24 oz - Mixed Berry Banana Smoothie[more info]5500000351390109772
24 oz - Mixed Berry Banana with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]480300055113085572
24 oz - Mixed Berry Banana Yogurt Smoothie[more info]540000<51701330105715
24 oz - Mixed Berry Smoothie[more info]5300000351320106931
24 oz - Mixed Berry Smoothie with Yogurt[more info]430000<5170104084714
24 oz - Mixed Berry with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]37030005584064571
24 oz - Strawberry Banana Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]6202.5000601500104573
24 oz - Strawberry Banana Smoothie[more info]6000000451524105771
24 oz - Strawberry Banana Smoothie with Yogurt[more info]680000<51601698124706
24 oz - Strawberry Freeze Smoothie[more info]66010603513014201141044
24 oz - Strawberry Mango Banana Smoothie[more info]6200000451590128981
24 oz - Strawberry Mango Banana with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]5202.500060125096692
24 oz - Strawberry Mango Banana Yogurt Smoothie[more info]580000<51701440116835
24 oz - Strawberry Mango Smoothie[more info]61000005515501281180
24 oz - Strawberry Mango with Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]39020005094074681
24 oz - Strawberry Mango Yogurt Smoothie[more info]470000<5170115095834
24 oz - Strawberry Oat Milk Smoothie[more info]3603.50007082054502
24 oz - Strawberry Smoothie[more info]5900000451470101920
24 oz - Strawberry Smoothie with Yogurt[more info]450000<5210108081685
24 oz - Summer Berry Freeze Smoothie[more info]60010603511512711191054

Beverages - Frozen Beverages - Lemonades

16 oz - Frozen Blueberry Pomegranate Lemonade[more info]34000001089185821
16 oz - Frozen Lemonade[more info]37000001095091890
16 oz - Strawberry Frozen Lemonade[more info]35000001592085820
24 oz - Frozen Blueberry Pomegranate Lemonade[more info]44000002011511101041
24 oz - Frozen Lemonade[more info]49000001512711221181
24 oz - Strawberry Frozen Lemonade[more info]45000002011701061030

Beverages - Hand Spun Beverages - Milkshakes & Sundaes

16 oz - Black and White Milkshake[more info]79042271.5160420930795915
16 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Milkshake[more info]83042261.51604201010886615
16 oz - Caramel Cheesecake Milkshake[more info]1,0205434219557011901028017
16 oz - Caramel Cookies & Cream Milkshake[more info]1,07050301.517058014301179816
16 oz - Chocolate Cookie Cheesecake Milkshake[more info]1,1005533218559013701159418
16 oz - Chocolate Cookies and Cream Milkshake[more info]99046281.516050013101088816
16 oz - Chocolate Milkshake[more info]90042271.516043011801028216
16 oz - Chocolate Mint Cookies and Cream Milkshake[more info]1,09046281.5160510156013311316
16 oz - Coffee Milkshake[more info]61032201120330700604511
16 oz - Cookies and Cream Milkshake[more info]90045281.51604901100917115
16 oz - Lemonade Milkshake[more info]79029181110290127011510010
16 oz - Mint Cookies and Cream Milkshake[more info]1,00045281.516050013401159515
16 oz - Premium Original Cheesecake Milkshake[more info]1,0805534218566013001017918
16 oz - Strawberry Cheesecake Milkshake[more info]1,080553421856601310987518
16 oz - Strawberry Milkshake[more info]84041261.51604201030876614
16 oz - Vanilla Milkshake[more info]79041261.5160420910795914
24 oz - Black and White Milkshake[more info]1,0405535220555012201037720
24 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Milkshake[more info]1,41070452.5265710174015111525
24 oz - Caramel Cheesecake Milkshake[more info]1,31071442.525575014801279822
24 oz - Caramel Cookies & Cream Milkshake[more info]1,56071422225850216017514921
24 oz - Chocolate Cookie Cheesecake Milkshake[more info]1,51077452.5245840185015212424
24 oz - Chocolate Cookies and Cream Milkshake[more info]1,35063382205710179014511822
24 oz - Chocolate Milkshake[more info]1,14055352205560147012610021
24 oz - Chocolate Mint Cookies and Cream Milkshake[more info]1,50063382205710217018215622
24 oz - Coffee Milkshake[more info]86045281.5170460980856316
24 oz - Cookies and Cream Milkshake[more info]1,26062372205700158012710120
24 oz - Lemonade Milkshake[more info]1,03039241.5145390164114812814
24 oz - Mint Cookies and Cream Milkshake[more info]1,46062372205700207017515020
24 oz - Premium Original Cheesecake Milkshake[more info]1,54077462.5245990190014111226
24 oz - Strawberry Cheesecake Milkshake[more info]1,57077462.5245990197014011026
24 oz - Strawberry Milkshake[more info]1,1305434220556014401199219
24 oz - Vanilla Milkshake[more info]1,0305434220555011901037719
Caramel Soft Serve Sundae[more info]69033211125370910786310
Chocolate Soft Serve Sundae[more info]66030191115320900796511
Regular Soft Serve Sundae[more info]56029191115300650564210

Beverages - Iced Beverages - Lattes & Macchiatos - 16 oz - Sauces & Syrups

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Syrup[more info]400000010010100
Caramel Sauce[more info]1303.520106526022210
Chocolate Sauce[more info]1000.50001525023231
Maple Flavored Syrup[more info]400000010010100
Mint Syrup[more info]500000012012120
Pumpkin Sauce[more info]11000004526022211
Red Raspberry Syrup DF[more info]50000001201200
Salted Caramel Syrup[more info]5000006014014140
Shortbread Syrup[more info]4000005010010100
Sugar Free Caramel Syrup[more info]00000000000
Toasted Marshmallow Syrup[more info]50000001201200
Vanilla Syrup[more info]500000012012120
White Chocolate Sauce[more info]1100.50007025021201

Beverages - Iced Beverages - Lattes & Macchiatos - 24 oz - Sauces & Syrups

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Syrup[more info]600000015015150
Caramel Sauce[more info]2607402013052044420
Chocolate Sauce[more info]20010003050046462
Maple Flavored Syrup[more info]600000015015150
Mint Syrup[more info]800000018018180
Pumpkin Sauce[more info]22000009052044422
Red Raspberry Syrup DF[more info]80000001801800
Salted Caramel Syrup[more info]8000009021021210
Shortbread Syrup[more info]6000007515015150
Sugar Free Caramel Syrup[more info]00000000000
Toasted Marshmallow Syrup[more info]80000001801800
Vanilla Syrup[more info]800000018018180
White Chocolate Sauce[more info]220100014050042402

Beverages - Iced Beverages - Lemonade

16 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Iced Lemonade[more info]20000001052050480
16 oz - Iced Lemonade[more info]18000001048046440
16 oz - Iced Strawberry Lemonade[more info]23000001060055540
24 oz - Blueberry Pomegranate Iced Lemonade[more info]34000001089185821
24 oz - Iced Lemonade[more info]30000001079076740
24 oz - Iced Strawberry Lemonade[more info]36000001593085830
32 oz - Iced Blueberry Pomegranate Lemonade[more info]43000001511001051011
32 oz - Iced Lemonade[more info]37000001595091890
32 oz - Iced Strawberry Lemonade[more info]4300000201100101980

Breakfast - Bowls & Omelets

Bacon & Egg Omelet[more info]2602070255580302015
Bacon & Scrambled Egg[more info]600421409751,7501204435
Chicken Steak & Egg White Omelet[more info]210103050830502124

Breakfast - Hash Brown

Hash Brown[more info]13071.500240160002

Breakfast - Oatmeal

Large Cinnamon Brown Sugar Oatmeal[more info]450700020090050509
Medium Cinnamon Brown Sugar Oatmeal[more info]330500015067037377
Small Cinnamon Brown Sugar Oatmeal[more info]2403.500010547026265

Breakfast - Sandwiches - Bagel Sandwiches

Cream Cheese Breakfast Sandwich with Veggies - Balanced Choice[more info]50000020000
Ham Breakfast Club Sandwich[more info]5101970601,4305906324
Turkey Breakfast Club Sandwich[more info]5101960551,5105907425
Veggie Cream Cheese Breakfast Sandwich[more info]380950257406307312
Veggie Egg White Omelet Breakfast Sandwich - Balanced Choice[more info]903000300401010
Veggie Yellow Omelet Breakfast Sandwich - Balanced Choice[more info]13092.5022526040208
Western Breakfast Sandwich[more info]4801860401,0405706417

Breakfast - Sizzlis

Bacon, Egg & Cheese Bagel[more info]45021701951,0404804220
Bacon, Egg & Cheese Croissant[more info]440301202258402506118
Cheese and Egg Bacon Bites[more info]2301770210490301018
Double Bacon Croissant[more info]510361402351,0902606020
Egg & Cheese Croissant[more info]360231002056402606412
Ham, Egg & Cheese Croissant[more info]410251102301,0302605421
Pork Roll, Egg & Cheese Bagel[more info]46022702001,0104504220
Sausage, Egg & Cheese Bagel[more info]570341102201,0904404222
Sausage, Egg & Cheese Biscuit[more info]730522002251,7404506219
Sausage, Egg & Cheese Croissant[more info]560431602458602505019
Sausage, Egg & Cheese French Toast[more info]61040130280960400151321
Sausage, Egg & Cheese Muffin[more info]500341102208602802019
Sausage Burrito[more info]29017701207002300012
Turkey Sausage, Egg & Cheese Croissant[more info]440291202458702606020

Express Entrees

Grilled Chicken with Broccoli Meal[more info]250104090700702033
Penne Pasta and Meatballs with Blush Sauce Meal[more info]3101460555803204015
Spicy Boneless Chicken Wings Meal[more info]640406012003203037

Express Fruit

Apple Snack Pack[more info]60000001441100
Banana[more info]110000002902101
Fruit Snack Tray[more info]45028130.59553034021015
Large Mixed Fruit Cup (ingredients may vary)[more info]1500000403332802
Mango Fruit Cup[more info]1100.500002532201
Pineapple and Blueberries[more info]90000002001501
Pineapple Fruit Cup - Large[more info]170000003902902
Pineapple Fruit Cup - Small[more info]100000002221601
Red Grape Fruit Cup[more info]120000003122601
Small Mixed Fruit Cup (ingredients may vary)[more info]800000201921601
Watermelon Fruit Cup - Large[more info]100000002101802
Watermelon Fruit Cup - Small[more info]80000001711402

Express Salads

Caesar Salad with Chicken & Bacon[more info]380308055650902018
Chef Salad[more info]29017802106701146025
Chef Salad Florida[more info]29014702306801565025
Chicken Caesar Salad[more info]4703270851,0601533031
Chicken Caesar Salad Florida[more info]260930758201433030
Cobb Salad with Chicken and Avocado[more info]600441202801,6501305037
Cobb Salad with Chicken and Bacon[more info]3001770220660733030
Farmhouse Garden Salad[more info]12051.5015085100508
Quinoa & Kale Salad[more info]5303360159504802508
Turkey BLT Salad[more info]240136065770943023
Turkey BLT Salad Florida[more info]270167065960834027

Express Sandwiches & Wraps

Buffalo Style Chicken Wrap[more info]3201010601,1603444025
Carved Ham & Baby Swiss Sandwich[more info]3801470601,53043011622
Chicken Caesar Pinwheels[more info]380174.50556903304022
Chicken Caesar Spinach Wrap[more info]6003190801,530480100
Chicken Caesar Wrap[more info]4502150751,2303644331
Chicken Salad Croissant[more info]3501980704702806017
Chicken Salad Potato Thin[more info]280161.50355502003012
Cuban Slider Sandwiches[more info]29003.50401,0203107520
Egg Salad Sandwich[more info]30021400490180209
Ham and Cheese Croissant_FL[more info]3001470607402305422
Honey Maple Ham and Swiss Wrap[more info]3901660651,2603607027
Honey Smoked Turkey & Provolone Wrap[more info]0174.50551,33040007025
Italian Hoagie with Ham, Salami and Pepperoni[more info]50026100801,8704105327
Spicy Chipotle Chicken Wrap[more info]4001540801,1303505231
Tuna Salad Croissant[more info]5703980756803607117
Tuna Wrap[more info]410182.50458004246322
Turkey and Bacon Wrap[more info]5102870801,2403304331
Turkey and Swiss Slider Sandwiches[more info]29072.5030900400151217
Turkey and White Cheddar Hoagie[more info]350114.50601,0503900124
Wawa Rotisserie Chicken Salad Wrap[more info]380162.50501,0203905019

Express Snacks

Apple Caramel Dipper[more info]220000014055344281
Apple Peanut Butter Dipper[more info]230153001401901226
Blueberry Parfait[more info]2304.510<511542027207
Cannoli Chips & Dip[more info]3601610025140410272212
Chicken Salad Snack Tray[more info]2205102536034311010
Grapes & Cheese with Crackers[more info]370199045037114014
Italian Pinwheels[more info]43029100551,3003034019
Macaroni Salad[more info]360264.5020590271874
Mozzarella String Cheese[more info]8063.501520000004
Pepperoni & Cheese with Crackers[more info]55046240.51251,4801000025
Potato Salad[more info]230152.5010520233762
Turkey Cheddar Pinwheels[more info]3101350458303036020
Vanilla Yogurt Cherry Chocolate Parfait[more info]2504.510<512046030227
Vanilla Yogurt Strawberry Parfait[more info]23041012012042027216

Bagel Melts

Ham and Cheese Bagel Melt[more info]4801480751,9505906331
Ham and Cheese Bagel Melt-FL[more info]4801380751,6905825433
Ham and Cheese Croissant Melt[more info]500261701151,7003907029
Pepperoni and Cheese Bagel Melt[more info]75042180.51002,1005906535
Pepperoni and Cheese Bagel Melt-FL[more info]75042180.51001,8305725537
Pepperoni and Cheese Croissant Melt[more info]77055270.51401,8403807133
Turkey, Bacon, Ranch Bagel Melt[more info]5702490751,5305836530
Turkey, Bacon, Ranch Bagel Melt - FL[more info]5302080701,2305626531
Turkey, Bacon, Ranch Croissant Melt[more info]590371801151,2703808228

Hot Dogs

All Beef 1/4 Pound Hot Dog[more info]40026110.5601,2402303217
All Beef 1/4 Pound Hot Dog-FL[more info]40026110.5601,2102402217
All Beef Big Bacon Cheese Dog[more info]81047211.51252,4605722037
All Beef Hot Dog[more info]250146030720211209
All Beef Hot Dog-FL[more info]2501360307402313010

Hot Snacks

Buffalo Chicken Bites[more info]290163.50659601801118
Cheddar Jalapeno Bites[more info]2501140151,020301218
Cheddar Stuffed Pretzel[more info]27073.5020430420208
Hash Brown[more info]13071.500240160002
Homestyle Chicken Bite[more info]3001640551,0702001118
Jalapeno Stuffed Pretzel[more info]25062.5015570400208
Mozzarella Sticks[more info]4203080307202203015
Pork Egg Rolls[more info]360174.50208303905213

Lunch & Dinner - Bowls

Applewood Smoked Bacon Mac & Cheese[more info]67037150701,8005729029
Buffalo Chicken Mac & Cheese[more info]810441501303,39062211245
Cheese Steak Mac & Cheese[more info]720361501002,27059210140

Lunch & Dinner - Chicken Tenders

Chicken Tenders - 3 Piece[more info]2401020408802011015
Chicken Tenders - 5 Piece[more info]4001730651,4603322025

Chicken Strip Dipping Sauce

BBQ Sauce Dipping Cup[more info]50000019012011110
Boom Boom Dip Cup[more info]160172.501525020220
Honey Mustard Dipping Cup[more info]12012201023050400
Sweet Red Chili Dip Cup[more info]900.50004702302100

Lunch & Dinner - Quesadillas

Cheeseburger Quesadilla[more info]690331601103,04056113236
Chicken Bacon Ranch Quesadilla[more info]800441801602,1604813246
Pierogi Quesadilla[more info]66035180801,4905625124

Lunch & Dinner - Salads

Breaded Chicken Caesar Salad[more info]4702160601,4604154127
Cheeseburger Dinner Salad[more info]35025101.585440642022
Chef Salad[more info]33016802551,0701215131
Chicken Salad Garden Salad[more info]4603020608903017120
Crispy Chicken BLT Salad[more info]59030100851,6304125129
Custom Crispy Chicken Salad[more info]2401020408802011015
Custom Roasted Chicken Salad[more info]1502.51095690200031
Dinner Side Salad[more info]17091.500460173932
Garden Salad[more info]32015602059102736120
Italian Antipasto Salad[more info]3101980701,790923026
Lighter Style - Garden Salad[more info]22011602056201335018
Lighter Style - Roasted Chicken and Veggie[more info]290610959802615135
Lighter Style - Southwest Chicken Salad[more info]3801320957802863038
Mediterranean Chicken Salad[more info]39012601151,4702916144
Roasted Chicken Caesar Salad[more info]36013501151,2602002142
Southwest Breaded Chicken Salad[more info]6002880651,14050115029
Southwest Chicken Salad[more info]510217012095032104045
Tuna Salad Garden Salad[more info]4403020307703217316
Turkey Bacon Ranch Salad[more info]2401030601,220916224

Salad Greens

Romaine-1 Green[more info]4000001064202
Romaine-2 Green Combo[more info]200000032101
Romaine-3 Green Combo[more info]150000021101
Romaine Bowl[more info]200000030101
Spinach-1 Green[more info]2000006032002
Spinach-2 Green Combo[more info]1000003011001
Spinach-3 Green Combo[more info]500002011001
Spring Mix-1 Green[more info]1500006521101
Spring Mix-2 Green Combo[more info]1000003511001
Spring Mix-3 Green Combo[more info]500002010000

Salad Protein

Beyond Meatball[more info]24014400640400016
Burger[more info]31025101.585430000020
Chicken Salad[more info]320262060600602016
Chicken Salad - New[more info]260183010560602016
Chicken Strips- 3 piece[more info]2401020408802011015
Fettuccine[more info]180410255300006
Ham[more info]501.5102539000008
Italian[more info]1801240501,100200016
Oven Roasted Turkey[more info]10020040920202218
Penne[more info]1801.50.5005330106
Portabella Mushroom[more info]1004000420202204
Roasted Chicken[more info]1502.51095690200031
Tuna Salad[more info]300262030480802212
Tuna Salad - New[more info]3202640505201000014

Salad Cheese

Asiago Cheese[more info]1109602030010007
Feta Cheese[more info]10064.502049030109
Shredded Parmesan Cheese[more info]907402028010008
Vermont Cheddar[more info]1108502516010006

Salad Toppings

Applewood Smoked Bacon[more info]1008302030000004
Black Beans - Cold[more info]7000000125005
Ciabatta Croutons[more info]1003.5000290140112
Crispy Jalapenos[more info]1301010055111101
Cucumber[more info]00000030000
Diced Apples[more info]200000051300
Fire Roasted Corn[more info]300000060201
Fresh Salsa[more info]1000003000100
Grape Tomatoes[more info]150000031201
Hard Boiled Egg[more info]8051.501856010106
Hot Peppers[more info]5000034010000
NO DATA: CranRaisin Blend[more info]00000000000
Red Onion[more info]50000010100
Shredded Carrots[more info]00000000000
Sunflower Seeds[more info]260212.500150901010

Lunch & Dinner - Sandwiches - Stacked

Ham and Swiss Stacked Sandwich[more info]60024601102,59052661144
Roast Beef Stacked Sandwich[more info]61016201501,4003610035
Turkey Veggie Stacked Sandwich[more info]5702020902,420576101546


Biscuit[more info]3601990<51,110430526
Cinnamon Raisin Bagel[more info]29010005506349010
Cinnamon Raisin Bagel-FL[more info]2701000380581909
Classic Roll[more info]35030006806522113
Everything Bagel[more info]28010005805705310
Greek Yogurt Wheat Roll[more info]19020.500260385609
Grilled Panini Bread[more info]1703.5000330311005
Junior Roll[more info]1201000230221104
Junior Wheat Roll[more info]1501.5000200305106
Marble Rye[more info]1700000170321007
Multigrain Bread[more info]260400050048661110
Pita[more info]26070.500360390208
Plain Bagel[more info]28010005905605310
Shorti Roll[more info]2402000470452119
Sourdough Bread[more info]1901000470372008
Tortilla[more info]2607300520421106
Wheat Classic Roll[more info]36040.5005707468715
Wheat Shorti Roll[more info]2302.50003804945410
White Bread[more info]1802000300322426


Applewood Smoked Bacon[more info]5041.501015000002
Beef Steak[more info]7041.502538010118
BLT[more info]1008302030010105
Breaded Chicken Strip[more info]803.50.501529070005
Chicken Salad[more info]16013103030030108
Chicken Steak[more info]7020.5035430201110
Egg Omelet[more info]12092.5022525030208
Egg Salad[more info]160153016525030105
Egg White Omelet[more info]803000290301010
Ham[more info]501.5102539000008
Honey Smoked Turkey[more info]601002048040309
Hot Turkey[more info]602.5102035020008
Italian[more info]906202555010008
Meatballs in Marinara Sauce[more info]2401960.525700100416
Oven Roasted Turkey[more info]501002046010119
Pepperoni[more info]18016603564010117
Pulled Pork[more info]803.51.5040280000012
Roast Beef[more info]801003529000007
Roasted Chicken[more info]1502.51095690200031
Sausage Crumble[more info]19019703532010005
Sausage Patty[more info]20019604021000006
Scrambled Eggs[more info]13093024038030118
Tuna Salad[more info]15013101524040116
Turkey Sausage Patty[more info]8051.504022010107


Cheddar Cheese[more info]604.52.50159000004
Pepper Jack Cheese[more info]5042.50159000004
Provolone Cheese[more info]504201012500004
Swiss Cheese[more info]6042.5002500004
White American Cheese[more info]504.52.501519010103
Yellow American Cheese[more info]5042.501025000003

Spreads & Dressings

Buffalo Sauce[more info]252.500<524010000
Buttermilk Ranch Dressing[more info]17018301046030201
Butter with Canola -Regular[more info]5062010500000
Caesar Dressing[more info]3540.50<55500000
Cream Cheese-Regular[more info]8074.502512020202
Creamy Chipotle Sauce[more info]606101013510110
Fire Roasted Poblano Ranch Dressing[more info]200213.501540020201
Garlic Aioli Sauce[more info]50610<52500000
Honey Hot Sauce[more info]15000010540440
Ketchup[more info]20000013050400
Light Balsamic Vinaigrette[more info]11091.50042050330
Lite Cream Cheese-Regular[more info]605301516020202
Marinara Sauce (contains beef and pork)[more info]15000011531101
Mayo-Ketchup-FL[more info]60610<511510110
Miracle Whip[more info]453.50.50<514030200
Mixed Berry Cream Cheese-Regular[more info]503.520106050401
Ranch Dressing[more info]4040.50<56010000
Remoulade Sauce[more info]70710<519010110
Spicy Mustard[more info]15100023010001
Veggie Cream Cheese-Regular[more info]908502516040202
Vinegar[more info]50000000000
Yellow Mustard[more info]500008000000

Sandwich Toppings

Add Applewood Smoked Bacon - 2 Strips[more info]5041.501015000002
Add Pepperoni - 2 Slices[more info]706201526010003
Avocado - 1 Scoop[more info]453.50.500022001
Cucumber[more info]00000010000
Fresh Salsa[more info]1000003000100
Grated Parmesan[more info]251.510<59010001
Hot Peppers[more info]5000034010000
Jalapeno Peppers[more info]5000023010000
Old Bay[more info]000005500000
Onions[more info]50000010000
Pickles[more info]5000026000000
Salt[more info]0000010000000
Side of Hot Peppers[more info]5000045010000
Side of Sour Cream[more info]50530203020101
Side of Sweet Peppers[more info]20000011550000
Spinach[more info]00000500000
Sweet Peppers[more info]1500008540000
Tomato[more info]50000010000


Baked Potato with Cheddar Soup - Family Size[more info]1,21080392.51803,10080119043
Baked Potato with Cheddar Soup - Large[more info]54036171801,3803654019
Baked Potato with Cheddar Soup - Medium[more info]40027131601,0302643014
Baked Potato with Cheddar Soup - Small[more info]2901990.5457301932010
Broccoli Cheddar Soup - Family Size[more info]860653902153,440434112929
Broccoli Cheddar Soup - Large[more info]390291801001,57020251313
Broccoli Cheddar Soup - Medium[more info]28021130701,120141499
Broccoli Cheddar Soup - Small[more info]200159050820101377
Chicken Corn Chowder - Family Size[more info]940582201252,9301271133722
Chicken Corn Chowder - Large[more info]42026100551,32057515310
Chicken Corn Chowder - Medium[more info]3101970409604101127
Chicken Corn Chowder - Small[more info]210135030670292725
Chicken Noodle Soup - Family Size[more info]53017401303,7006006237
Chicken Noodle Soup - Large[more info]250820601,7302803117
Chicken Noodle Soup - Medium[more info]18061.50451,2702102113
Chicken Noodle Soup - Small[more info]13041030920150109
Chili - Family Size[more info]83032142.51854,0608318281855
Chili - Large[more info]3801561851,86038813825
Chili - Medium[more info]280114.51601,3502869618
Chili - Small[more info]190730.5459401946413
New England Clam Chowder - Family Size[more info]920583512303,11069115028
New England Clam Chowder - Large[more info]420261601051,4103117013
New England Clam Chowder - Medium[more info]31020120801,0602305010
New England Clam Chowder - Small[more info]210148055720160306
Tomato Soup - Family Size[more info]99066180902,5908411582211
Tomato Soup - Large[more info]4503080401,19038527105
Tomato Soup - Medium[more info]3302260308702802074
Tomato Soup - Small[more info]2201540205901921352


Black Beans - Family Size[more info]880180002,710132440044
Black Beans - Large[more info]42090001,29063210021
Black Beans - Medium[more info]310600096047160016
Black Beans - Small[more info]2104.50006403100010
Buffalo Mac & Cheese - Large[more info]71037140652,10068210029
Buffalo Mac & Cheese - Medium[more info]52027100501,5105008021
Buffalo Mac & Cheese - Small[more info]3701970301,0203515015
Cheddar Cheese Sauce - Side[more info]17014904587070312
Chipotle Mac & Cheese - Large[more info]78044160752,01069212229
Chipotle Mac & Cheese - Medium[more info]57032110551,4605009121
Chipotle Mac & Cheese - Small[more info]4002280351,0303616<115
Garlic Mac & Cheese - Large[more info]77044160701,83067210029
Garlic Mac & Cheese - Medium[more info]56032110501,3304908021
Garlic Mac & Cheese - Small[more info]3802170309503515015
Macaroni and Cheese - Family Size[more info]1,490743101303,910146523063
Macaroni and Cheese - Large[more info]68034140601,79067210029
Macaroni and Cheese - Medium[more info]50025100451,3004908021
Macaroni and Cheese - Small[more info]3601870309403515015
Mashed Potatoes - Family Size[more info]1,180805102202,83094128021
Mashed Potatoes - Large[more info]530362301001,270425409
Mashed Potatoes - Medium[more info]3902717075940314307
Mashed Potatoes - Small[more info]2902012055690233205
Meatballs in a Cup - Family Size[more info]1,9401535152055,610820311051
Meatballs in a Cup - Large[more info]73057192752,10031011419
Meatballs in a Cup - Medium[more info]48038131.5501,4002008313
Meatballs in a Cup - Small[more info]2401960.525700100416
Ranch Mac & Cheese - Large[more info]92058170902,15073210029
Ranch Mac & Cheese - Medium[more info]65040120651,5205308021
Ranch Mac & Cheese - Small[more info]4002280351,0003615015
Rice & Beans - Family Size[more info]50080002,47085190022
Rice & Beans - Large[more info]2704.50001,25045100012
Rice & Beans - Medium[more info]2003000910338009
Rice & Beans - Small[more info]1302000610225006
Rice - Family Size[more info]1000009520000
Rice - Large[more info]12000001,210260003
Rice - Medium[more info]800000850190002
Rice - Small[more info]600000570120001

16 oz Packaged Wawa Coffee Drinks

Cold Brew Coffee - Mocha[more info]1002.51.5010201501404
Cold Brew Coffee - Sweetened[more info]1002.51.5010351601504
Cold Brew Coffee - Vanilla[more info]1002.51.5010451501404

16 oz Packaged Wawa Fruit Juices & Drinks

16 oz - 100% Orange Juice[more info]2200000155414703
16 oz - Diet Lemonade[more info]1000002030100
16 oz - Fruit Punch[more info]23000002058057510
16 oz - Lemonade[more info]24000001561058570
16 oz - Mango Drink[more info]22000002055053480
16 oz - Orange Drink[more info]24000001560058530
16 oz - Raspberry Lemonade[more info]24000002061057510
16 oz - Tropical Punch[more info]25000001562060540
Premium Orange Juice[more info]110000002602102

16 oz Packaged Wawa Milk

16 oz - 1% Milk[more info]2004.5302521024024016
16 oz - 2% Milk[more info]24010604023023023016
16 oz - Chocolate Milk[more info]3204.53025400541512816
16 oz - Cookies & Cream Flavored Milk[more info]56018110.57530082181016
16 oz - Double Dutch Chocolate Milk[more info]47018110.570360582573517
16 oz - Skim Milk[more info]1700001021024024016
16 oz - Strawberry Milk[more info]17021.501011030030198
16 oz - Vanilla Flavored Milk[more info]45016100.570240590573416
16 oz - Whole Milk[more info]30016905021023023015

16 oz Packaged Wawa Teas

16 oz - Blackberry Iced Tea[more info]16000002041039380
16 oz - Diet Green Tea[more info]500001510000
16 oz - Diet Iced Tea w/ Lemon[more info]1000003020000
16 oz - Diet Lemonade Tea[more info]1500002530200
16 oz - Diet Peach Tea[more info]1000004530000
16 oz - Diet Raspberry Tea[more info]1000001520000
16 oz - Extra Sweet Tea[more info]21000001552050500
16 oz - Green Tea[more info]14000001535034340
16 oz - Green Tea Mango[more info]16000001539038370
16 oz - Iced Tea w/ Lemon[more info]17000003044043430
16 oz - Lemonade Tea[more info]20000003049048470
16 oz - Peach Lemonade Tea[more info]20000002049048470
16 oz - Peach Tea[more info]19000003046044420
16 oz - Raspberry Lemonade Tea[more info]19000002046045440
16 oz - Raspberry Tea[more info]19000003046044420
16 oz - White Tea w/Tangerine[more info]16000001541040400


2% milk[more info]10042.501595100906
Vanilla Almond Milk[more info]6020009511010101
Whole Milk[more info]110640259590906

Salad Cheese - TEST

Feta - EP Salad[more info]603.5301531020106
Shredded Cheddar - EP Salad[more info]907402014010006
Shredded Parmesan - EP Salad[more info]705301520010005

Salad Protein - TEST

Beyond Meatball[more info]24014400640400016
Burger[more info]31025101.585430000020
Chicken Salad[more info]320262060600602016
Chicken Salad - New[more info]260183010560602016
Chicken Strip - 1[more info]160710305801400010
Fettuccine[more info]180410255300006
Ham[more info]501.5102539000008
Italian[more info]1801240501,100200016
Oven Roasted Turkey[more info]10020040920202218
Penne[more info]1801.50.5005330106
Portabella Mushroom[more info]1004000420202204
Roasted Chicken[more info]1502.51095690200031
Three Cheese Alfredo Sauce[more info]2001490451,0901407010
Tuna Salad[more info]300262030480802212
Tuna Salad - New[more info]3202640505201000014

Salad Toppings - Caprese

Applewood Smoked Bacon[more info]1008302030000004
Black Beans - Cold[more info]7000000125005
Ciabatta Croutons[more info]1003.5000290140112
Crispy Jalapenos[more info]1301010055111101
Cucumber[more info]00000030000
Diced Apples[more info]200000051300
Fire Roasted Corn[more info]300000060201
Fresh Salsa[more info]1000003000100
Grape Tomatoes[more info]200000041301
Hard Boiled Egg[more info]8051.501856010106
Hot Peppers[more info]5000034010000
NO DATA: CranRaisin Blend[more info]00000000000
Red Onion[more info]50000010100
Shredded Carrots[more info]00000000000
Sunflower Seeds[more info]260212.500150901010

Salad Toppings - TEST

Applewood Smoked Bacon[more info]605201519000003
Black Beans - EP Salad[more info]350000060002
Ciabatta Croutons[more info]1003.5000290140112
Crispy Jalapenos - EP Salad[more info]8060003570101
Cucumber[more info]00000030000
Diced Apples[more info]200000051300
Fire Roasted Corn[more info]300000060201
Fresh Salsa[more info]1000003000100
Grape Tomatoes[more info]150000031201
Hard Boiled Egg[more info]8051.501856010106
Hot Peppers[more info]5000034010000
NO DATA: CranRaisin Blend[more info]00000000000
Red Onion[more info]50000010100
Shredded Carrots[more info]00000000000
Sunflower Seeds - EP Salad[more info]160131.5009560106