Unless otherwise specified, any food in our establishment may come into contact with surfaces or utensils that have previously contacted wheat, dairy, gluten, fish, eggs, shellfish, soybeans, tree nuts, or peanuts.
This nutrition and allergen information is provided for information purposes only, and they do not constitute medical or dietary advice of any kind. Please always consult your healthcare practitioner for questions regarding your diet.
Mellow Mushroom, its franchisees, and employees, do not assume responsibility for a person’s sensitivity or allergy to any food item provided in our restaurants.
We rely on our suppliers’ statements of ingredients to determine which products do not contain certain allergens. Suppliers may change the ingredients in their products or the way they prepare their products, so please check this list frequently to make sure that the menu item you like still meets your dietary requirements.
From time to time we may substitute products due to inventory shortages. We can’t be sure that the substitute products will be free of the allergen you wish to avoid.
Individual stores may substitute products according to supplier availability, so please consult with store management if there are any concerns.
Please note that these nutrition values are estimated based on our standard serving portions. As food servings may have a slight variance each time you visit, please expect these values to be with in 10% +/- of your actual meal. If you have any questions about our nutrition calculator, please contact Nutritionix.