Which meat has the most vitamin A?

While most people think of orange vegetables when they think of vitamin A, meat is also a good source of the vitamin.

Which meat has the most vitamin A?
  Food Name Vitamin A (IU) Serving
ground turkey ground turkey 117 100 g
lean ground turkey lean ground turkey 101 100 g
dark meat chicken dark meat chicken 56 100 g
pork rib pork rib 51.7 100 g
ham ham 43 100 g
turkey turkey 39 100 g
extra lean ground turkey extra lean ground turkey 30 100 g
beef short rib beef short rib 27 100 g
rib eye rib eye 25 100 g
t bone t bone 25 100 g
skinless chicken breast skinless chicken breast 21 100 g
lamb chops lamb chops 11 100 g
turkey breast turkey breast 11 100 g
extra lean ground beef extra lean ground beef 9 100 g
lean ground beef lean ground beef 9 100 g
ground beef ground beef 9 100 g
pork shoulder pork shoulder 8 100 g
beef chuck beef chuck 6 100 g
pork loin chop pork loin chop 6 100 g
pork loin pork loin 4 100 g
pork tenderloin pork tenderloin 1 100 g
venison venison 0 100 g
flank steak flank steak 0 100 g
ground chicken ground chicken 0 100 g
veal veal 0 100 g
top sirloin top sirloin 0 100 g
ground bison ground bison 0 100 g
filet mignon filet mignon 0 100 g
ground lamb ground lamb 0 100 g
new york strip new york strip 0 100 g
beef ribs beef ribs 0 100 g
prime rib prime rib 0 100 g
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