Syndigo Wellness Claims

ID Definition Source Name Claim Type Description
88 Syndigo 100 Calories or Less derived Product contains no more than 100 calories per serving.
102 Syndigo 5 Ingredients or Less derived Product does not contain any artificial ingredients and contains no more than 5 ingredients.
67 AHA AHA Heart Check on-pack Product packaging has an AHA heart check.
114 Syndigo AHA Heart Healthy - Fish & Seafood derived Fish and shellfish products that contain no more than 5g total fat, 2g saturated fat, 95mg cholesterol, and 360mg sodium, and contain at least 10% DV of vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, protein, fiber, vitamin D, or potassium.
112 Syndigo AHA Heart Healthy - General derived Product contains no more than 6.5g total fat, 1g saturated fat, 15% of calories from saturated fat, 0.5g trans fat, 20mg cholesterol, and 360mg sodium, and contains at least 10% DV of vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, protein, fiber, vitamin D, or potassium.
113 Syndigo AHA Heart Healthy - Nuts derived Nut products that contain no more than 4g saturated fat and 140mg sodium and contain at least 10% DV of vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, protein, fiber, vitamin D, or potassium.
115 Syndigo AHA Heart Healthy - Omega-3 Fish derived Product contains a high omega-3 fish as the first ingredient, does not contain any added fats or sweeteners, contains no more than 16g total fat, 4g saturated fat, 95mg cholesterol, and 360mg sodium per serving, and contains at least 10% DV of vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, protein, fiber, vitamin D, or potassium per serving.
116 Syndigo AHA Heart Healthy - Whole Grains derived Product contains a whole grain as the first ingredient and contains no more than 6.5g total fat, 1g saturated fat, 15% of calories from saturated fat, 20mg cholesterol, and 240mg sodium, and contains at least 10% DV of vitamin A, C, D, iron, calcium, or potassium, and 2g fiber. Product also contains no more than 7g sugar if fiber is 5g or less or no more than 9g of sugar if fiber is more than 5g.
28 Syndigo Atkins 100 derived Product contains no more than 20% of calories from net carbs.
26 Syndigo Atkins 20 derived Product contains no more than 4% of calories from net carbs.
27 Syndigo Atkins 40 derived Product contains no more than 8% of calories from net carbs.
29 Syndigo Atkins Friendly derived Product contains no more than 20% of calories from net carbs.
65 USDA Bioengineered (On-Pack) on-pack Product packaging has a "bioengineered" or "derived from bioengineering" disclosure.
12 FDA Calorie Free derived Product contains less than 5 calories per serving. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
141 FDA Calorie Free - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains less than 5 calories per serving and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
66 Syndigo Carb Friendly derived Product has no more than 35% of calories from net carbs with no more than 15g total carbs, or has 3g or less net carbs.
74 Syndigo Certified Gluten Free on-pack Product packaging has a gluten free certification.
8 FDA Cholesterol Free derived Product contains less than 2mg cholesterol per serving. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
147 FDA Cholesterol Free - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product has less than 2mg cholesterol and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
87 Syndigo Clean derived Product meets the criteria for No Artificial Ingredients, No High Fructose Corn Syrup, and either Organic or Non-GMO.
119 Syndigo Contains Almonds derived Product ingredient statement contains almonds.
139 Syndigo Contains Barnacle derived Product ingredient statement contains barnacle.
120 Syndigo Contains Brazil Nuts derived Product ingredient statement contains brazil nuts.
121 Syndigo Contains Cashews derived Product ingredient statement contains cashews.
122 Syndigo Contains Chestnuts derived Product ingredient statement contains chestnuts.
123 Syndigo Contains Coconut derived Product ingredient statement contains coconut.
133 Syndigo Contains Crab derived Product ingredient statement contains crab.
134 Syndigo Contains Crayfish/Crawfish derived Product ingredient statement contains crayfish or crawfish.
44 Syndigo Contains Crustacean Shellfish on-pack Crustacean shellfish is listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is present in the ingredient statement.
46 Syndigo Contains Egg on-pack Egg is listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is present in the ingredient statement.
43 Syndigo Contains Fish on-pack Fish is listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is present in the ingredient statement.
124 Syndigo Contains Hazelnuts/Filberts derived Product ingredient statement contains hazelnuts or filberts.
48 Syndigo Contains Healthy Fats derived Product has a fat profile made up of 80% or more unsaturated fat and must either contain at least 40% of calories from fat or contain in the ingredient statement a source of omega-3 fat or a seafood ingredient. Products that contain meat or dairy ingredients are excluded.
125 Syndigo Contains Hickory Nuts derived Product ingredient statement contains hickory nuts.
138 Syndigo Contains Krill derived Product ingredient statement contains krill.
126 Syndigo Contains Lichee Nuts derived Product ingredient statement contains lichee nuts.
135 Syndigo Contains Lobster derived Product ingredient statement contains lobster.
127 Syndigo Contains Macadamia Nuts derived Product ingredient statement contains macadamia nuts.
42 Syndigo Contains Milk on-pack Milk is listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is present in the ingredient statement.
98 Syndigo Contains Molluscan Shellfish derived Molluscan shellfish is listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is present in the ingredient statement.
40 Syndigo Contains Peanuts on-pack Peanuts is listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is present in the ingredient statement.
128 Syndigo Contains Pecans derived Product ingredient statement contains pecans.
129 Syndigo Contains Pine Nuts derived Product ingredient statement contains pine nuts.
130 Syndigo Contains Pistachios derived Product ingredient statement contains pistachios.
136 Syndigo Contains Prawns derived Product ingredient statement contains prawns.
207 Syndigo Contains Red Dye Number 3 derived In Development - Coming Soon
192 Syndigo Contains Sesame on-pack Sesame is listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is present in the ingredient statement.
131 Syndigo Contains Shea Nuts derived Product ingredient statement contains shea nuts.
137 Syndigo Contains Shrimp derived Product ingredient statement contains shrimp.
24 Syndigo Contains Soy on-pack Soy is listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is present in the ingredient statement.
19 Syndigo Contains Trans Fat derived Product contains more than 0.5g trans fat per serving and/or the ingredient statement contains a partially hydrogenated fat.
41 Syndigo Contains Tree Nuts on-pack Tree nuts is listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is present in the ingredient statement.
132 Syndigo Contains Walnuts derived Product ingredient statement contains walnuts.
45 Syndigo Contains Wheat on-pack Wheat is listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is present in the ingredient statement.
51 Syndigo DASH Diet derived Product contains no more than 2g of saturated fat, 15% of calories from saturated fat, 0.5g trans fat, and 1.15mg sodium per calorie, and contains no added sugar or refined grain ingredients
97 Syndigo Does Not Contain Crustacean Shellfish derived Crustacean shellfish is not listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and is not present in the ingredient statement.
96 Syndigo Does Not Contain Egg derived Egg is not listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is not present in the ingredient statement.
94 Syndigo Does Not Contain Fish derived Fish is not listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is not present in the ingredient statement.
92 Syndigo Does Not Contain Milk derived Milk is not listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is not present in the ingredient statement.
157 Syndigo Does Not Contain Nuts derived Tree nuts and peanuts are not listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is not present in the ingredient statement.
90 Syndigo Does Not Contain Peanuts derived Peanuts are not listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is not present in the ingredient statement.
93 Syndigo Does Not Contain Soy derived Soy is not listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or is not present in the ingredient statement.
91 Syndigo Does Not Contain Tree Nuts derived Tree nuts are not listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and/or are not present in the ingredient statement.
95 Syndigo Does Not Contain Wheat derived Wheat is not listed in the contains, may contain, or shared facility statements and is not present in the ingredient statement.
107 Syndigo Ethical Practices on-pack Product packaging has a certification indicating ethical and/or fair labor practices are used.
191 Syndigo Excellent Source of Calcium - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains at least 20% of the Daily Value for calcium and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
155 FDA Excellent Source of Fiber - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains at least 20% of the Daily Value for fiber and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
189 Syndigo Excellent Source of Iron - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains at least 20% of the Daily Value for iron and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
204 Syndigo Excellent Source of Magnesium - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains at least 20% of the Daily Value for magnesium and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
205 Syndigo Excellent Source of Phosphorous - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains at least 20% of the Daily Value for phosphorous and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
190 Syndigo Excellent Source of Potassium - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains at least 20% of the Daily Value for potassium and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
156 FDA Excellent Source of Protein - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains at least 20% of the Daily Value for protein and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
202 Syndigo Excellent Source of Vitamin A - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains at least 20% of the Daily Value for vitamin A and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
203 Syndigo Excellent Source of Vitamin C - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains at least 20% of the Daily Value for vitamin C and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
172 FDA Excellent Source of Vitamin D - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains at least 20% of the Daily Value for vitamin Dand meets FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size or per RACC.
170 Syndigo Fair Trade on-pack Product packaging has a fair trade certification. Certifications include Food Justice, B Corp, Fair Trade by FLOCert, Fair for Life, British Retail Consortium, or Fair Trade.
4 FDA Fat Free derived Product contains less than 0.5 g fat per serving and the ingredient statement does not contain any added fats. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
144 FDA Fat Free - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains less than 0.5g fat per serving, does not contain any added fat ingredients, and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
179 Syndigo Fragrance Free (on-pack) on-pack Product packaging has a fragrance free claim.
166 Syndigo Free From derived Product does not contain any top 8 allergens, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial ingredients.
30 Syndigo Gluten Free (Marketing) on-pack Product packaging has a gluten free claim.
169 Syndigo Gluten Free (On-Pack) on-pack Product packaging has a gluten free claim or certification.
188 Syndigo Good Source of Calcium - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains 10%-19% of the Daily Value for calcium per serving and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
16 FDA Good Source of Fiber derived Product contains 10%-19% of the Daily Value for fiber per serving. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
153 FDA Good Source of Fiber - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains 10%-19% of the Daily Value for fiber and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
186 Syndigo Good Source of Iron - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains 10%-19% of the Daily Value for iron and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
200 Syndigo Good Source of Magnesium - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains 10%-19% of the Daily Value for magnesium and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
201 Syndigo Good Source of Phosphorous - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains 10%-19% of the Daily Value for phosphorous and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
187 Syndigo Good Source of Potassium - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains 10%-19% of the Daily Value for potassium and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
17 FDA Good Source of Protein derived Product contains 10%-19% of the Daily Value for protein per serving. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
154 FDA Good Source of Protein - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains 10%-19% of the Daily Value for protein and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
198 Syndigo Good Source of Vitamin A - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains 10%-19% of the Daily Value for vitamin A and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
199 Syndigo Good Source of Vitamin C - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains 10%-19% of the Daily Value for vitamin C and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
171 FDA Good Source of Vitamin D - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains 10%-19% of the Daily Value for vitamin D and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
89 Syndigo Halal on-pack Product packaging has a halal claim or certification.
11 FDA High Fiber derived Product contains at least 20% of the Daily Value for fiber per serving. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
118 EU Commission High Fibre (Europe) derived Contains at least 6g fibre per 100g or 3g fiber per 100 kcal. This matches the EU definition for high fibre and is not applicable outside of Europe.
15 FDA High Protein derived Product contains at least 20% of the Daily Value for protein per serving. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
38 Syndigo Humanely Raised on-pack Product packaging has a certification indicating that humane animal-farming practices are used. These certifications include American Humane Certified, Certified Humane, and Animal Welfare Approved.
178 Syndigo Hypoallergenic (on-pack) on-pack Product packaging has a hypoallergenic claim.
33 Syndigo Ketogenic Diet derived Product meets one of the following sets of criteria: contains no more than 6% of calories from net carbs and at least 45% of calories from fat; no more than 3g net carbs and at least 45% of calories from fat; or no more than 30 calories and no more than 3g net carbs.
39 Syndigo Kosher on-pack Product packaging has a kosher claim or certification.
159 Syndigo Lactose Free on-pack Product packaging has a lactose free claim.
56 Syndigo Lifestyle - Carb derived Product contains no more than 15g total carb, 35% of calories from net carbs, 13g total fat, 4g saturated fat, 60mg cholesterol, and 480mg sodium, and contains at least 1g fiber per 15g carbohydrate or no added sugar. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
50 Syndigo Lifestyle - Heart derived Product contains no more than 6.5g total fat, 1g saturated fat, 15% of calories from saturated fat, 0.5g trans fat, 60mg cholesterol, and 360mg sodium, and contains at least 1g fiber per 15g carbohydrate or no added sugar. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
55 Syndigo Lifestyle - Protein derived Product contains at least 5g of protein and contains no more than 13g total fat, 4g saturated fat, 60mg cholesterol, and 480mg sodium, and contains at least 1g fiber per 15g carbohydrate or no added sugar. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
69 Syndigo Lifestyle - Sodium derived Contains no more than 140mg sodium, no more than 13g total fat, no more than 4g sat fat, no more than 60mg cholesterol, and at least 1g fiber per 15g carb or no added sugar. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
68 Syndigo Lifestyle - Sugar derived Product is either sugar free or contains no added sugar and contains no more than 13g total fat, 4g sat fat, 60mg cholesterol, and 480mg sodium, and contains at least 1g fiber per 15g carbohydrate. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
109 Syndigo Lifestyle - Whole Grain derived First ingredient is whole grain and second ingredient cannot be added sugar, no more than 13g total fat, 4g sat fat, no more than 60mg cholesterol, no more than 480mg sodium, and at least 1g fiber per 15g carb or no added sugar. Criteria applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
13 FDA Low Calorie derived Product contains no more than 40 calories per serving. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
142 FDA Low Calorie - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains no more than 40 calories and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
14 Syndigo Low Carb derived Product contains no more than 8g carbs, 35% of calories from carbs, and 5g total sugar per serving. Product may also qualify if it contains 3g or less net carb.
9 FDA Low Cholesterol derived Product contains no more than 20 mg cholesterol per serving. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
148 FDA Low Cholesterol - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains no more than 20mg cholesterol and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
6 FDA Low Fat derived Product contains no more than 3g of total fat per serving. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
143 FDA Low Fat - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains no more than 3g total fat and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
7 FDA Low Saturated Fat derived 1 g or less of saturated fat and 15% or less of calories from saturated fat per the serving size listed on the Nutrition Facts Panel. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the FDA Shelf Tag equivalent claim.
145 FDA Low Saturated Fat - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains no more than 1g saturated fat per serving and 15% of calories from saturated fat, and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
3 FDA Low Sodium derived Product contains no more than 140mg sodium per serving. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
150 FDA Low Sodium - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains no more than 140mg sodium per and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
193 Syndigo Low Sodium (On-Pack) on-pack Product packaging has a low sodium claim.
168 Syndigo Meat or Seafood First derived This attribute applies to pet food. The first ingredient is meat, poultry, or seafood.
105 Syndigo Mediterranean Diet derived Product is composed of whole grains, healthy fats (such as from nuts, olive oil, and fish), and/or plant based whole foods and contains no more than 1.15mg sodium per calorie, or if 100 calories or less must contain no more than 2mg sodium per calorie.
173 Syndigo MSPI Friendly derived Product meets the criteria for the Does Not Contain Milk and Does Not Contain Soy attributes.
57 FDA No Added Salt derived Product contains no more than 200mg sodium per serving and the ingredient statement does not contain any added salt.
18 Syndigo No Added Sugars derived Product has 0g added sugar and the ingredient statement does not contain any added sugars.
70 Syndigo No Artificial Colors derived Product ingredient statement does not contain any synthetic colors.
174 Syndigo No Artificial Colors (on-pack) on-pack Product packaging has a no artificial colors claim.
71 Syndigo No Artificial Flavors derived Product ingredient statement does not contain any artificial flavors.
175 Syndigo No Artificial Flavors (on-pack) on-pack Product packaging has a no artificial flavors claim.
86 Syndigo No Artificial Ingredients derived Product ingredient statement does not contain any artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners.
85 Syndigo No Artificial Preservatives derived Product ingredient statement does not contain any artificial preservatives.
176 Syndigo No Artificial Preservatives (on-pack) on-pack Product packaging has a no artificial preservatives claim.
23 Syndigo No Artificial Sweeteners derived Product ingredient statement does not contain any artificial sweeteners.
20 Syndigo No High Fructose Corn Syrup derived Product ingredient statement does not contain high fructose corn syrup.
47 Syndigo No Refined Grains derived Product ingredient statement contains at least one grain, which must be whole, and contains no refined grains.
36 Syndigo Non-GMO on-pack Product packaging has a Non-GMO claim.
35 Syndigo Organic (On-Pack) on-pack Product packaging states that the product is organic.
104 Syndigo Paleo (Friendly) derived This is a less strict version of the Paleo (Strict) attribute. This allows artificial preservatives and flavors and added fiber ingredients but does not allow all other ingredients not suitable for a Paleo diet.
31 Syndigo Paleo (Strict) derived Product ingredient statement does not contain any ingredients not suitable for a paleo diet, including: grains, legumes, milk, artificial colors, artificial flavors, artificial preservatives, artificial sweeteners, refined sweeteners, refined oils, added fiber, and added protein.
177 Syndigo Paraben Free (on-pack) on-pack Product packaging has a paraben free claim.
25 Syndigo Pescatarian derived Product ingredient statement does not contain any meat or poultry ingredients.
54 Syndigo Plant Based derived Product ingredient statement does not contain any animal-derived ingredient and contains a plant-based source of protein as one of the first two ingredients.
53 Syndigo Plant Based Whole Food derived Product ingredient statement contains only minimally processed ingredients and does not contain any animal-derived ingredients.
164 Syndigo Plant Powered derived Product does not contain any animal-based ingredients and is either a whole food or contains a plant-based protein source.
196 Syndigo Reduced Sodium (On-Pack) on-pack Product packaging has a reduced sodium claim.
5 FDA Saturated Fat Free derived Product contains less than 0.5 g of saturated fat and 0.5 g of trans fat per serving. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
146 FDA Saturated Fat Free - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains less than 0.5g of saturated fat and 0.5g of trans fat per serving and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
1 FDA Sodium Free derived Product contains less than 5mg sodium per serving. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
149 FDA Sodium Free - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains less than 5mg sodium and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
195 Syndigo Sodium Free (On-Pack) on-pack Product packaging has a sodium free claim.
10 FDA Sugar Free derived Product contains less than 0.5 grams of sugar per serving and does not contain any added sugar ingredients. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size or calorie requirements; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
152 FDA Sugar Free - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains less than 0.5g sugar, does not contain any added sugar ingredients, and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
158 Syndigo Sustainable on-pack Product packaging has a certification indicating that environmentally sustainable, ethical, and/or fair labor practices are used.
106 Syndigo Sustainable Practices on-pack Product packaging has a certification indicating that environmentally sustainable practices are used.
206 Syndigo test derived test
21 Syndigo Vegan derived Product ingredient statement contains no animal-derived ingredients.
22 Syndigo Vegetarian derived Product ingredient statement contains no meat, poultry, or seafood ingredients.
2 FDA Very Low Sodium derived Product contains no more than 35mg sodium per serving. This attribute does not factor in the RACC serving size; if strict FDA compliance is required, see the equivalent FDA Shelf Tag claim.
151 FDA Very Low Sodium - FDA Shelf Tag derived Product contains no more than 35mg sodium per serving and meets the FDA disclosure statement criteria. Criteria is applied per listed serving size and per RACC.
194 Syndigo Very Low Sodium (On-Pack) on-pack Product packaging has a very low sodium claim.
180 Syndigo Wellness Shelftag Prioritization derived Priority list of positive claims for the given product
108 Syndigo Whole 30 Diet derived Product ingredient statement does not include any ingredients not suitable for a Whole 30 diet, including: sweeteners, grains, legumes, soy, milk, gluten, artificial flavors, artificial preservatives, thickeners, and emulsifiers.
52 Syndigo Whole Food derived Product ingredient statement contains only minimally processed ingredients.
99 Syndigo Whole Grain derived Product ingredient statement contains a whole grain as the first ingredient and the second ingredient is not an added sugar.
37 Syndigo Whole Grain Stamp on-pack Product packaging has a Whole Grains Council stamp.

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